Plastic Shredder & Extruder System

May 20th 2021


The Goal

To eliminate plastic filament for rapid prototyping by extruding recycled plastic directly onto the prototyping surface.

Meet the Capstone team

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The systems

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The Shredder

The system is inspired by the Precious plastic system. It shreds the plastic waste by passing through the hopper to the rotating blades. The plastic continuously rotates through the blades until it is the desired size via the mesh at the bottom of the blades.

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The Transport System

The system transports all the pellets from the shredder to the extruder, using a rotating auger moving at a constant speed

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The Extruder

The system is inpired by rapid manufacturing systems. It transports the plastic downward along with the teeth of a screw while melting the plastic at around 250°C with the external heating elements. The extruded plastic passes through the nozzle of 1mm.

Design Features

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Concordia Waste Management Data